Common questions about Yoga Teacher Training

When it comes to Yoga Teacher Training, there are those who don’t know whether or not to sign up the certification. They are not sure if they need previous experience to join the program or uncertain about becoming yoga teachers.

For all of those who are still thinking about it, the Yoga Teacher Training is not only for people who want to be professional yoga teachers but also for people interested in personal growth and development. Personal growth and development is the primary intention of the training. Here are some answers to the most common questions I am asked, maybe I can help you make the right decision.

Can you take the Teacher Training if you have some kind of injury?

YES. It is a good idea to take the training if you are injured because you will learn how to take care of yourself and how to heal yourself as well.

Do you need a minimum of practice time to sign up? NO.

Whether you’ve been practicing for a month or several years, the faculty is for those who have the interest and the desire. The course is for everyone.

Do you have to have certain qualities to take the course? YES, yours! The course will develop positive qualities in you: you’ll start eating healthier, you’ll become more disciplined, for example, but all these things come up with the days. All you need is a desire to learn.

Is there an age limit? NO.

Yoga is for everyone. When you have to rest, you rest. What I love about yoga is that when you realize how much good it does to you, you don’t stop. There are no limitations when you’re willing to take care of yourself.

Do you have to study? YES, quite a lot.

But you enjoy it because you study subjects that help you understand your body, your mind, and how they work together.

You see, sometimes you don’t know exactly when is the right time to prepare yourself to be a teacher. Sometimes, if you wait for that “right time.”, you don’t take action. So don’t be afraid of learning skills and yoga techniques to help yourself to be healthier and more connected to spirituality and a positive attitude.

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