What does good karma mean? And how to create good karma?

I’m not a superstitious man. I mean I’m not the kind of person who believes people have good or bad luck.

In my journey through life, I have been able to see how many people attribute to “bad luck” the things that happen or not to them. That way they move through life, and because of the “bad luck” they didn’t graduate, they don’t have money, don’t have a partner or they don’t live the life of their dreams, to name a few examples.

Many of us live on a zombie mode, not aware of how thoughts and actions influence our reality. And the fact is that how you behave with others comes back to you in return. If you give out positive vibes, the chances of you staying happy in life are real. That’s how most of the wars and bickering, complainings, and general unhappiness in the world is due to the negative thoughts and actions people have.

To counter all this negative energy, we can create good karma so that we can set a vibration that keeps us happy. How yo do it? Well, I will give you a few tips that will help you get started.

– Have a purpose, set clear intentions in whatever you do. You should not be afraid of going after your goals. The universe gives back what we pour into it.
– Help people. The journey of realization is not just about achieving your goals but also helping others reach theirs.
– Meditate Regularly. Pay attention to all the thoughts and feelings that come out of your mind. Try meditate regularly to quieten your mind from all that is upsetting you and making you feel sad.
– Be compassionate and kind. The universe will send you experiences and people everywhere, so try to be empathetic and help others who are fighting a battle in life just like you are.
– Visualize your future. Basically, by adjusting your energy to the aspirations of your soul, you can create your future. You have to invite positive events to your life by thinking positively, speaking kind words, and moving out of love.

Remember what goes around, comes around. I want you to think today about the kind of energy you are putting out into the world. Never regret being a kind person, if you pour your positive energy, I’m sure that’s what you’ll get.