Most Popular Types of Meditation

Did you know that there are many ways of meditating? Meditation is any practice that allows us to transcend our thinking minds and the suffering that they produce.

There are many different ways to meditate. Some of the best-known types of meditation are:

  • Buddhist meditation

It is the most common type of meditation. Consists of training our mind, so that it can remain focused on here and now, which is the present.

This tradition teaches us that meditation is any practice that allows us to transcend our thinking minds and the suffering that they produce. So, for instance, swimming, running, chanting could be ways of experiencing the deep peace found beyond the mind.

  • Zazen Meditation

The Japanese word “Zazen” means “seated meditation.”

This technique concentrates on breathing. It is often intended to focus attention like the lotus position. Where the person sits with legs crossed, feet on the opposite thigh, and straight back.

We let our thoughts pass before us, by concentrating on the position while breathing. We let them fly away until will reach our deepest unconscious.

  • Transcendental Meditation

It is not related to religious beliefs, and it doesn’t require a specific posture or state of mind. It consists of keeping calm for 20 minutes. People who practice this technique tend to do it twice a day.

  • Vipassana Meditation

It is the meditation practice given by the Buddha to all his disciples. It’s a practice to keeping attention on the relaxed breath and focus on meditation.

Vipassana means “to come and see”. This type of meditation, as instructed by the Buddha, is to watch your breath with awareness. It is just that simple, to focus on your breath, as it comes and goes. This is the kind of meditation that can be practiced by anybody, anywhere, and at any time.

  • Mantra Meditation

Consists of meditating through the repetition of a mantra or song.

Mantras are not random phrases but are sacred sounds that the sages of antiquity, It’s used for their practice, because they possess high harmonizing power. The most basic and known mantra is Om.

Through chant and its vibrations, concentrated on the breath, we learn to disconnect from our thoughts and set our minds free.

  • Meditation and breathing

There are many, and diverse techniques for meditating. However, we can agree on something more important to do first, which the concentration of the mind should be learned.

However, this stage will come after continuing the regular practice of bringing your attention back to the breath for a considerable amount of time. At that point, you will become aware of two fundamental aspects of your existence: “doing” and “being.”


Within yourself, you will create a center of consciousness that cannot be disturbed by outer circumstances. That is the real state of a meditator, and you will know how to recognize it when you are into it.

If you want to know more about a particular type of meditation, please let me know!