What Are Yoga Bandhas?

Many yoga practices are related to the fundamentals of vital force and energy. In this article, we will focus on one of the most significant disciplines of Yoga: The Bandhas.

What Are the Bandhas?

The word Bandha comes from the Sanskrit “Bandh”. Translated as bolt, lock, or key. When we practice a Bandha or energetic closing, we are doing a muscular contraction in a specific part of the body (neck, abdominals, and perineal area).

The function of the Bandhas is to control the flow of vital power (Prana). It is directed to specific points of the body that require it. They are practiced with asanas, pranayama, and mudras. Also, these energetic locks intensify the activity of the psychic energy centers called chakras.


Types of Bandhas

Jalandhara Bandha

Also known as chin Bandha.

It’s the energetic closing of the throat. This Bandha is used in meditation, even during pranayama. It regulates the energy that flows through the chest, heart, throat, neck, head.

For practicing Jalandhara Bandha, it is necessary to press the chin against the sternum. The practitioner should sit comfortably in a posture with crossed legs, hands on knees, and keep the spine straight. Breathing is executed at all times during inhalation, exhalation, and retention of air.

This Bandha is usually performed when singing or meditating. It works on the thyroid, parathyroid, pineal and pituitary glands, and activates the cervical vertebrae.

Uddiyana bandha

Also called abdominal lock.

It’s located at the diaphragm level. Uddiyana means to get up or fly up, and in this practice, the contraction applied makes the diaphragm rise towards the chest.

How? When you inhale and exhale, the abdominal muscles are released and contracted. It works in the pancreas and helps the production of adrenaline. Also, relaxes, stretches, and aligns the spine.

Mula Bandha

It means root, base, foundation.

This Bandha is located in the sexual organs. The contraction of the sexual muscles, at the same time as the navel and rectum, activates the Mula Bandha. You can do the exercise in three steps:

  • First, you contract the anal sphincter.
  • Continue through the sexual organs.
  • Finish with the contraction of the lower abdominal muscles and push the navel towards the spine.

The effect of these massages extends to other organs, improving digestion and skin problems. It is very beneficial for women after childbirth, as it reactivates the perineal area.

Finally, through this Bandha, it is possible to redirect the excess of sexual energy towards creative energy.

When the 3 Bandhas are done together, it is called Maha Bandha (the great lock). This technique consists of activating all three locks simultaneously. It is necessary to have a perfect posture and a maximum state of concentration.


The possibility of doing these Bandhas or locks during the practice of asanas is excellent. However, we must be aware of the importance of activating the muscles around the joints. This helps to execute the postures safely and not to harm ourselves.

This can avoid pain on the spine, wrists, shoulders, and more parts of the body. Of course, it is always advisable to begin your practice under the supervision of a qualified yoga teacher.