Immune System Health for Corona Virus by Fred Busch

As the world is confronted with an unprecedented response to the pandemic of Coronavirus Covid 19 there seems to be a great deal of confusion.  Yet amid all of the confusion about transmission rates, survival rates and the question of protective immunity there is agreement about one thing.

The experts and the medical scientists are now continually pointing to the one factor that is determinative to people’s outcomes which is our very  own immune system.  All of the groups who are said to be at risk for death from Covid 19 Coronavirus are groups with compromised immune systems.

What is the Immune System and how do we strengthen it?

The Immune System is called a system and so it may be easy to think of it like the other systems of the body as classified in human anatomy.  This would not be an accurate picture however because the systems of the body have structures and locations and can be isolated and identified.  

The cardio-vascular system is made of the heart and vessels.  

The respiratory system is made of lungs and pulmonary arteries that can be easily located and even removed or acted upon surgically.  The Immune System however is qualitatively different and must be appreciated on its own terms so that it can be understood how exactly to make it work better.

The human immune system is located throughout the entire body and found inside the body’s drainage network  known as  the lymphatic system.  

The immune system is not one singular system but rather a hive of intelligent cells that are dispatched by the overall intelligence of the body to identify, mark, then destroy any entity that is not welcome.  

The immune system is a constellation of intelligence guided intercommunicating cells which are able to identify and then neutralize the many different foreign invaders that can find their way into the vital domain.  

This may be the first time you hear the word intelligence associated so strongly with discussion of the immune system but it will soon be clear by I am choosing this emphasis. 

All cells in our body, and in particular immune system cells have a very specific job description and this job requires perfect functioning in order to prevail.  A half -operative immune cell will likely not be able to finish its job and leave the foregin invader able to continue its course.

There can be no discussing of the immune system without a formal introduction to the lymphatic system because #1 the immune system lives in the lymphatic system, and #2 the environment of the lymphatic system and its potential stagnation completely determines the functional capacity of the immune cells.


The lymphatic system is the waste removal system of the body and runs throughout the body in a series of lymph vessels and nodes which collect the waste drained from the interstitial fluid.  These wastes are acidic in nature and the lymph system is designed to bring the waste materials to the kidneys for elimination.   Any compromising of the lymphatic system’s ability to eliminate waste will result in acidic waste buildup in the fluids which house the immune system.

The immune system’s cells are floating in the river of lymphatic fluid throughout the body as well as in glands where they are produced such as the Thymus.  

The lymphatic fluid can either be acidic or alkaline depending on the person’s lifestyle and diet and depending on whether there is elimination.   If the lymph fluids are not able to drain properly due to problems with elimination then the acidic waste begins to build up in the lymph system including in the various lymph nodes causing swelling and hardness in otherwise supple and non swollen tissue.

When the buildup of acids persists in the lymph fluid, whatever is inside the lymph fluid is going to be ‘burned’ or damaged by the acids of cellular and metabolic wastes that have not been eliminated and instead keep increasing in concentration over time.

When an immune system cell is burned by the lymphatic fluid’s acidic constituents (wastes of cell metabolism) then the immune cells are no longer able to function at 100% capacity.  

Getting back to the idea of intelligence and immune cells now we can appreciate that an immune cell that is caught stagnated in an acidic (burning) fluid will be damaged and this acts as a kind of damage to the cells intelligence, which is to say ability to make decisions and execute the challenging action of neutralizing foreign entities. 

Here is a vitally important and yet missing link of information to this subject that is not well understood even by those who are promoting the immune system as the only answer:

All viruses including the Covid 19 or any coronavirus are proteins.  These proteins are foreign to the body and then as a result the body immediately begins a process of elimination which comes in the form of mucus that can then accumulate in places like the sinuses or lungs.  

Those without a strong capacity for elimination of mucus from the lungs are those who are not as well equipped to recover easily from the detoxification process initiated by the virus-protein.  

So in many ways it is very much about our immune system and its ability to fend off invaders and neutralize  proteins in the first place, but the other side of a healthy immune system is a well operating lymphatic system so that the immune cells can always be 100% capacitized and so that when the detox process comes from exposure to Covid 19 or any virus that the body has the channels open to eliminate effectively and thus allow the process to be fast and relatively painless.

So is the state of your immune system something that is static?   Once you are labeled as an at risk group does that mean that there is nothing you can do?  Not at all!  The immune system’s intelligence and functioning can be reactivated and reinvigorated by providing a specific environment as described in the Medellin Protocol.  5 Fundamental Factors outlined in Medellin Protocol address all the factors that are compromising your immune system and once these causes are eliminated the immune system can begin to function as it was designed.


So this book is about the Five Fundamental Factors to capacitize your immune system to the highest level possible to be able to help make sure that we are ready and resilient in the face of any pandemic. 


The Five Fundamental Factors that we will be describing are each in their own right responsible for supporting immune system health.


How do we eat?

Elimination of mucus from the body is of the highest priority for any person involved in a Corona or other virus initiated detox process.  Due to their hydrating, energizing, alkalizing, astringing, electromagnetically charged nature only fruits can assist the body with this process and this is why it is the number one recommended food for immune system health.


How do we exercise?

Small amounts of exercise is very valuable to moving lymph  fluids and assisting elimination while stimulating the immune systems cells.


How do we use our mind?

The mind is central to our experience of reality and each thought we think has a corresponding reaaction in the chemistry of our body.  Negative thinking can literally suppress the immune system while positive and intentional use of the mind can literally turn on the engines of immune capacity.


How do we rest?

Rest and relaxation is something everybody intuitively understands is related to immune system health.  Sleep deprivation and over stimulation in daily life go together and will always result in lower immune system functioning.   Learning how to rest well, sleep well is key!


How do we live more organically?

Many people are exacerbating their immune system through continual exposure to toxins that are so common that they are not even recognized as a threat.  Toxic poisons entering our system in the form or food or drink or household chemicals tend to devastate the immune system for both reasons outlined above.


As you are about to discover when you put these FIve Fundamental Factors together in your life you are being propelled by a positive feedback cycle that will empower your immune health to fight Corona Virus or any future pandemic.


In Health and Awareness,

