The Medellin Wellness Protocol

Fred Busch’s Third Book is now available on Amazon and other Book Retailers!

The Medellin Wellness Protocol by Fred Busch
Fred Busch has been a pioneer and leader in the fields of Raw Vegan Nutrition, Yoga, and Meditation for over 20 years. Using his unique, multi dimensional 5 pronged approach, Busch has helped people heal countless health concerns, including losing weight, reversing signs of aging, overcoming substance abuse, and even dropping 90 cholesterol points in 2 months.

His latest book, The Medellin Wellness Protocol shows you how to prevent and eliminate adverse health symptoms and even eradicate or reverse disease.  From the average person looking to live a longer, healthier life to those facing chronic conditions, Busch’s Medellin Protocol contains vital information that should be taught to everyone looking to improve their health, increase their longevity, and look and feel their best.

The information revealed in this book confronts many mainstream myths and widely held beliefs about human health that are incredibly outdated or simply not true.

The Medellin Protocol dives deep into Five Fundamental Factors to combat the misinformation in modern healthcare with an approach that is comprehensive yet fully accessible to anyone. By following the The Medellin Protocol, you will create the conditions needed in the human body to regain or retain ultimate health and wellbeing.  

Few books have the potential to transform your life quite like this work by Fred Busch due to the 5 pronged approach that teaches anyone how to create a positive feedback cycle that unlocks the body’s ability to make sustainable changes.

In The Medellin Wellness Protocol, you will learn:

How to Eat to Prevent and Reverse Disease

Discover how dietary myths lead to the very symptoms and diseases people are trying to prevent and learn how to reverse them. Extra attention is paid to the incredibly harmful misinformation about protein and calcium, and how these beliefs lead people straight to the hospital. 

How to Exercise in The Most Intelligent Way

Learn how just a few minutes a day of intelligently applied movement keeps the body in great shape and the immune system functioning optimally.

How to Use your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others

Discover how the mind and our thoughts are something we can control and cultivate to keep us healthy, vital and disease free.

How to Rest and Relax for Ultimate/Optimal Healing

Learn the secrets to getting enough rest and relaxation and the true value of pure, regenerative sleep for health and wellness.

 How to Live Organically and Prevent Self Poisoning

Learn to identify toxic products and chemicals prevalent in daily life that – when avoided – keep the body and immune system strong.

How to Detox For Higher Levels of Health

Discover the proper Detox techniques that are effective in cleansing the body and creating a healthy internal environment for lasting health.

The Psychology Behind Eating Patterns and How to Transform Them

Lean to first identify and then transcend the reasons for emotional eating that keep us from feeling and looking our best.

About Fred Busch’s Book:

“We are multidimensional beings and as such we need a multidimensional approach to treat patients and to PREVENT diseases.   At some point in medicine we forgot about this fact, forgetting that we are what we eat and that our food is our medicine.  This book is a wake up call and a great reminder of what our focus should be.”

Valeria Martinez- Vargas Chacon, MD
“This book resonates with my inner knowing in so many ways.  Wonderful guidance.  My deepest appreciation.”