Faq Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga Teacher Training


Fred Busch Hot Power Yoga Teacher Training

200 Hours Teacher Training

“How do i know i am ready to do a Teacher Training?  Do i need a certain level of experience?

Although it is true that the more you have practiced yoga the more you can absorb, it is also true that if you wait for that mythical perfect time it may never arrive.  This Teacher Training gives you all the skills and tools to be a lifelong yogi which is the most important part.  Many students have come to the training with very diverse backgrounds and all end as strong teachers.  The skills needed and tested are all instructed specifically throughout the training.

“What are the special parts of your training, what do you emphasize?”

Teacher Training program is of course directed by Fred Busch who if you are not familiar with runs Teacher Training programs all over the world.

The training is has a very comprehensive curriculum ranging from Yoga Asana, Alignment, Meditation, Pranayama, Yoga Anatomy, Yoga Philosophy,  Yoga Therapy, Yoga Massage, Yoga Nutrition, Wellness and enlightenment.

It is designed to help you improve in yoga poses, pranayama, meditation practices.  If you want to learn intermediate yoga poses it will definitely accelerate your progress!

But of course the training focuses on yoga teaching skills and on fred busch’s emphasis on the ability of his students to read peoples bodies to see individual needs. Yoga is best applied individually whenever possible as we all have different body types, different lifestyles, different injury history, different genetic tendencies and so forth…so the more we are able to apply the yoga system in an individual way…actually the better we are as teachers…and the training is very big on that.

And Yoga Therapy is a huge part of the training with specific sections dedicated to how to prevent injuries, heal injuries, and recover lost strength and range of motion using what we call Fred Busch Healing Sequences.

Food is big part of the Training too!  Fred will be teaching you lots about Food and how it relates to your Yoga practice and your overall capacity…both body and MIND.

Who is this Teacher Training Designed for?

Our program is both for people who want to become professional yoga teachers and also for people who want to learn a lot and deepen their understanding of Yoga.

We don’t really aim to train yoga teachers…we are more interested in training Yogis simply share what they DO…share what they practice.

“What am I certified to teach after the Training?”

Fred Busch Hot Power Yoga, Hot Yoga, Power Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Flow Yoga, Hot Power Yoga and any combination of the above the descriptions…as they are all synonyms.

What kind of Exams are there?

Our teacher training programs have 2 exams…practical exam where you are teaching to the group and also a written exam at the end of the training… in addition to lots of Homework and study questions throughout that track the Official Manual…which is big and full of a very wide spectrum of information.

500 Hour Hot Power Yoga Teacher Training


What are requirements and how do I apply for 500 Hour Program?


500 Hour Certification is conferred upon students who complete the following:

MODULE A + Either MODULE B or MODULE A+ MODULE C = 500 Hours


Module A – Yoga Alliance 200 Hour Teacher Training

Module B– Attendance of 200 Hour Training for a SECOND TIME + Focus 100 Hours on Anatomy, Massage Therapy, Yoga Therapy

Module C– 300 Hour Advanced Training for Raja Yoga, Meditation, and Conscious Living

500 Hour – Module A (200 Hour Fred Busch Yoga Teacher Training – Please See 200 Hour Training Information Above)

 500 Hour –Module B – Focus on Power Yoga, Healing Sequences™, Anatomy and Massage Therapy for Yoga Focus

This training is designed to help students who already have a strong background in Yoga and experience in teaching to maximize their potential and to become the most effective Healing Yoga Teacher.  By reabsorbing to a deeper level the substantial curriculum of the 200 Hour Program and focusing on Anatomy, Therapy and Massage, this program helps Yoga Teachers sharpen their skills to become the best Power Vinyasa Yoga Teacher possible!


500 Hour – Module C  – Focus on Raja Yoga, Meditation and Conscious Living

21 Day Intensive Raja Yoga and Conscious Living Teacher Training with Fred Busch and Luana Hervier. This is a program focused almost exclusively on Meditation and Raja Yoga. Working systematically through the most powerful translations Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and the 8 Limb Ashtanga Yoga Path, students will learn the real Yogic Techniques of Meditation. In addition to the focus on Meditation and Samadhi, this training will also develop personal practice of Asana, as well as have modules on Conscious Living and Health Coaching.


Fred Busch 500 Hour Teacher Training ‘MODULE C’ Curriculum:


Raja Yoga


Patanjali Yoga

How to Meditate

How to Teach Advanced Meditation

Massage Therapy Level 2

Conscious Living

Health Coaching

Advanced Asana Development

Adjustments and Binding Poses

Restorative Yoga

Yoga Nidra


3rd Eye Opening

Sanskrit Writing


any questions about Teacher Trainings can be directed to: Fredbusch@miamiyoga.com