Ardha Chandrasana (Half-Moon Pose)

Ardha Chandrasana or the half-moon pose is one of those inverted yoga postures that, when it’s done correctly, is very beneficial for your body and for your immune system.

In Sanskrit, “Ardha” means half, and Chandrasana means the moon. Ardha Chandrasana is “the half-moon posture.” In yoga philosophy, the moon is related to freshness, femininity, and calm. It is a posture that develops strength and balance while we refresh and soothe the mind.

In fact, you should learn all the benefits of this asana and find out why you should include it in your yoga sessions.

How to do Ardha Chandrasana?

Let’s first see how to do this pose:

  • Begin with the Warrior III posture (Virabhadrasana III) with the right leg, both hands on the floor, under the shoulders.
  • Keep your right hand on the floor, and put your left hip above your right hand, and bend your torso to the left.
  • Extend your left arm upward and look at the fingers of this hand. Stay here for at least three deep breaths, then switch legs and repeat the posture.

Get the most Out of Ardha Chandrasana

Ardha Chandrasana has countless benefits like:

  • You can strengthen your legs. The support leg in the Ardha Chandrasana supports a good part of the weight, and you stretch the muscles because you are in tension. The upper leg works the balance.
  • You also can strengthen your arms.
  • It is a good posture for the back, which becomes more flexible, and you can make more complex movements without noticing a difficulty. Say goodbye to lower back pain!
  • Increases agility.
  • The abs can get stronger, too. Also, it creates extension and expansion throughout the body and space for the abdominal organs to be uncongested and relaxed.
  • The glutes gain muscle mass, and you burn fat.
  • You improve your balance and learn to coordinate different parts of your body.
  • Relieves stress. The open chest creates space for the lungs and heart, which is left wide open with a sense of calm.
  • It makes pregnant women feel light since it can reduce and eliminate nausea.
  • Improves digestion.
  • The brain and mind feel rested.
  • Ardha Chandrasana makes us feel light, free, and happy. It elevates the spirit.

This posture is also part of many therapeutic sequences people who suffer from certain types of problems, whether cardiac, respiratory, digestive, mental, hormonal, bone-muscular or any other system.

When we get the correct alignment, a great sense of lightness and expansion is experienced in the body and mind that is rarely experienced in other postures. This is how we begin to understand the Patanjali Sutra, which says that when asana is practiced correctly, “effort becomes non-effort.”

Some Important Considerations

You better not practice Ardha Chandrasana if you have some of these conditions:

  • Headache or Migraine
  • Low blood pressure
  • Diarrhea
  • Insomnia

Maintaining balance and developing stability requires us to be attentive and conscious about what is going on inside. The mind cannot wander when performing Ardha Chandrasana. It’s a posture that requires us to look inward and remain stable (Dharana and Dyana).

However, we have to continually balance opposing forces within us. The practice of the half-moon pose allows us to have the opportunity to learn how to balance these forces and develop emotional, mental, and physical stability.


Finally, Ardha Chandrasana is a posture that is consolidated over the years. The practice is suitable for beginners and people with certain health conditions. Simpler versions of the pose include your back against the wall or with one foot on the wall.

Next time you go to your yoga class, make sure your instructor teaches you how to do Ardha Chandrasana or half-moon pose.