Si alguna vez has querido hacer yoga conmigo en persona, ¡el momento es AHORA!

El 7 de julio comienza mi Profesorado de Entrenamiento con Power Yoga totalmente residencial 🏡. Este es tu momento de reservar tu cupo si has querido iniciarte en el yoga o conocer a fondo los secretos de esta maravillosa disciplina 🧘🏼‍♂️.

¡Certifícate hoy internacionalmente y cambia tu vida hoy junto a mi! Contáctame para mayor información.📲



If you’ve ever wanted to train in yoga asana and philosophy with me in person, the time is COMING SOON! Are you ready?

On July 7th my fully residential Power Yoga Teacher Training begins 🏞️. This is a good time to reserve your spot if you are interested in getting started on the path of yoga or to learn the deeper secrets of this wonderful discipline. 🧘🏼‍♂️

Get certified internationally today and change your life! Contact me for more information. 📲
