Benefits of Eating Fruit Daily (+Smoothie Recipe)

“Eat five servings of fruit a day.” That phrase could be the best dietary advice in history, and it remains one of the best current strategies for eating healthier.

When I started writing this article, I stopped to think if it was necessary to write about this subject, because it seems that we all know about the benefits of eating fruit. However, I have noticed that despite all the evidence gathered in recent years, many people still don’t know how important it is to eat fruits.

So, here you have some health benefits of eating 5 (or more) servings of fruit a day, and I’m also sharing with you one of my favorite fruit recipes, so keep reading to the end!

What Is A Fruit And How Much Is A Portion Of Fruit?

Okay, let’s see what’s a fruit first: The fruit is a portion that contains the seeds of a plant. An important fact is that fruits don’t necessarily have to be sweet, for example, did you know that avocado is a fruit? And tomato too?

Then, how much is a portion of fruit? One serving of fruit is equivalent to:

  • One medium piece of fruit, such as an apple or orange.
  • A cup of very tiny fruit, such as grapes or raspberries.
  • Two small pieces of fruit such as tangerines or figs.

Now, let’s look at the great benefits of eating fruit. You won’t forget to eat it every day!

  • They provide a lot of vitamins and minerals.

Among these vitamins, vitamin C ( like strawberries, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, or kiwis), helps you to increase your immune system and heals your skin.

Also, vitamin A (like peaches, apricot, cherries, papaya, mango, persimmon, or bananas) helps to keep your bones and teeth healthy, as well as contributing to have a good vision. Other vitamins present in fruits are vitamin B, vitamin E, and vitamin D.

  • They provide a lot of necessary minerals for your organism.

The different types of fruit contain numerous minerals and microelements in varying concentrations. Among them, we find Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, Yodo, and Fluoride.

  • They’re a great source of antioxidants.

Fruits are one of the best sources of antioxidants found in nature. They will help you fight the free radicals that are responsible for aging cells and cause some diseases. Examples of fruits with a high amount of antioxidants are strawberries, pomegranates, blueberries, and raspberries, among others.

  • They contain a lot of fiber.

Its fiber content supports the health of your digestive system and prevents constipation.

  • Support your cardiovascular health.

They reduce high levels of total cholesterol, lowering bad cholesterol, and increasing good cholesterol. Additionally, they are great for lowering blood pressure when it is at a high level since they help to improve blood circulation.

Among the fruits to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, we can mention apples, grapes, strawberries, oranges, and kiwis. To reduce high blood pressure, we can consume bananas and lemons.

  • Help you maintain your ideal weight.

Fruits, except for some, are low in calories concerning their volume, so they contribute to weight loss and maintenance.

  • They can prevent many diseases.

As mentioned above, when you eat fruit every day, you provide your body with essential nutrients that help boost your immune system. For example, Vitamin C helps to prevent colds and flu, as well as reducing periods of infection and relieve symptoms. While vitamin E is useful in preventing certain cardiovascular diseases and even some types of cancer.

I could go on this list all day, but I think I’ve given you enough reasons to start eating more fruit from now on. Now, how can you increase your daily fruit intake? My answer would be SMOOTHIES!

I don’t mean the kind of smoothies that contain sweetened fruit juice, sugar, milk, and even ice cream, but whole fruit and vegetable smoothies, with its skin, pulp, and fiber.

If we blend the whole fruit and vegetable, it can be a great option to include more vegetables and fruit without even realizing it. They can also be easier to digest and make you feel full.

Purple & Citric Smoothie Recipe

This smoothie is delicious and won’t take more than 5 minutes to make, you don’t have any excuse to get a dose of vitamin C, antioxidants, and minerals.


2 cups fresh pineapple chunks.

1 orange

1 lemon

2 peeled bananas

1 handful of concord grapes


How To Make It:

Wash fruits well. Squeeze the orange and lemon juice in the blender, add the rest of fruits and blend until smooth. Serve immediately. If it’s too dense for your taste, you can reduce it with some water or coconut water.

Enjoy your shake.

