Chakra Dhyana Meditation

Dhyana is the seventh limb of the eight limbs or steps of Patanjali’s Yoga. It is based on the practice of Asanas (physical posture), Pranayama (breath control), Pratyahara (control of the senses) and Dharana (concentration).

The word Dhyana means “meditation” in Sanskrit. It is derived from the word “Dhi,” which means “mind”, and “Yana” means “to move” or “to go.”

Dhyana meditation is directed towards reaching the highest states of consciousness, as a previous step to the attainment of Samadhi: enlightenment (the complete understanding of the Universe and its elements).

Dhyana Meditation Exercise

One meditation exercise you can do daily to perfect the state of consciousness is “Dhyana Chakra,” known by the Hindu sages for more than five thousand years.

Basically, this meditation tries to focus attention on the chakras or energy centers, raising the Kundalini energy, aligning your chakras, and expanding your level of consciousness.

It is better to practice this meditation at sunrise and sunset, but we can also do it at any time of the day. It is a powerful and simple meditation to do. Experience the results for yourself!

How to Practice the Dhyana Chakra?

First of all, create a comfortable and quiet environment to practice. You can light a candle and incense. Practice in a sitting or meditative posture, but not lying down.

Sit with your eyes closed, with your spine straight but not rigid. Now, rest your hands on your thighs with your palms up. Take several soft, deep, slow breaths through your nose.

As you go through each chakra, focus your attention on your body in the area mentioned. With each exhalation, chant the mantra and visualize the color indicated.

Subsequently begin with the Mooladhara chakra (root chakra), located in the perineum, just between the anus and the genitals. You have to visualize its red color while repeating three times the mantra associated with this energy center: LAM. Then imagine the chakra filling with golden light.

Repeat the Exercise by Following the Ascending Sequence

  • The Swadhisthana chakra (sacral chakra) is located in the genital region of the spine. The color will be orange, and the mantra will be VAM.
  • The Manipura chakra is located in the navel (solar plexus). The color will be yellow, and the mantra will be RAM.
  • The Anahata chakra (the heart chakra), in the center of your chest, is your spiritual heart. The color will be green, and the mantra will be YAM.
  • The Vishuddhi chakra (throat chakra) is in your throat, in Adam’s apple or epiglottis. The color is blue, and the mantra will be HAM.
  • The Anja chakra is between the eyebrows (Third Eye). The color will be indigo blue, and the mantra to be recited will be KSHAM (you can also intone AUM).
  • The Sahasrara chakra is in the center of the top of your head (crown chakra). The color will be violet, and the mantra will be OM.

In conclusion, remember that after visualizing the color and toning three times the mantra of each chakra, you have to feel and imagine the bright golden light flowing through all the chakras.

Keep breathing lightly and stay in that state for a few minutes. Then, lie down for a few minutes in “Savasana” (eyes closed, lying on your back with arms at your side, palms up and legs slightly apart).

Finally, let yourself go. Enjoy and notice the dynamics of the energy in your body as the kundalini flows.