Hot Yoga Teacher Training in Spain

Fred Busch Hot Power Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in Spain

June 18th, 2016

Join Fred Busch and Laurie Virginia Albarran in Cantabria, Spain for their 21 Day Intensive  Hot Power Yoga Teacher Training! This program is one of the very few Yoga Alliance Accredited Yoga Teacher Training in Spain and one of even fewer that is offered in Spanish by an American Power Yoga Master!

Basic Details: Curriculum includes but is not limited to – Asana Alignment and Personal Practice Development, Yoga Teaching Techniques,  Yoga Anatomy, Yoga Therapy, Massage Therapy for Yoga Teachers, YogaNutrition basics, Meditation, Pranayama, Enlightenment, Yoga Philosophy, Mantra, Sanskrit and more!

Breakdown of Standard Day: Morning Practice followed by Lectures or Workshops on Curriculum of the Day followed Teaching Practice in the Afternoons

Student Requisites: Students and future teachers who have earnest interest in learning Yoga for personal and or professional reasons and are interested in personal healing and growth. This training is as much for personal development as for professional training since we are only able to teach professionally what we have developed personally. We honor intentions of students both who want to professional teachers and those who don’t.  We train you the same way and those who want to teach yoga can do so…and those who don’t wish to teach professionally and want to focus on their practice can do that!

Of course Timing is Everything!  Deciding when to go and when you are ready is not easy! It is true that the more yoga experience one has the more one can absorb… it is equally true that waiting until the theoretical ‘ideal time’ to do the teacher training may not work  because the ‘ideal perfect time’ that you wait for often never arrives… and this training will start benefiting you and transforming you right away!

If you miss a few hours we are able to help you get access to the recording made that day so that curriculum and hours is not compromised.  We are here to support you on the path as best we can.

Requirements: Passing Practical and Written Exams. Completion of all homeworks and assignments.

Reasons to Apply:

A Professional Certification… you leave the training with the skills to teach!

This program not just develops great teachers it really delivers incredible personal results to everyone who participates

From weight loss all the way to spirituality the students in these training experience personal benefits that are described by them as life changing

Commonly towards the end of these trainings everyone looks brighter in their eyes and has better looking skin and looks younger.

It really trains you to be a yogi and to know how to live yoga and get the huge benefits that yoga can bring.

Fred’s programs are pretty different from other trainings because he created systems for Yoga Therapy and Healing Sequences as well as teaching Massage Therapy Skills and YogaNutrition Health Coach lectures. These are several components to this training that are simply not found anywhere else.

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Fred Busch Power Vinyasa Yoga formación del profesorado en España

Únete a Fred Busch y Laurie Virginia Albarron en España con su 21 día intensivo Yoga formación del profesorado de Cantabria, España!

Plan de estudios incluye pero no se limita a – alineación de asanas y desarrollo de práctica Personal, técnicas de enseñanza del Yoga, anatomía de Yoga, Yoga terapia, terapia de masaje para profesores de Yoga, YogaNutrition fundamentos, meditación, Pranayama, Ilustración, filosofía Yoga, Mantra, sánscrito y más!

 Esta formación es como mucho para el desarrollo personal en cuanto a la formación profesional, ya que sólo somos capaces de enseñar profesionalmente lo que hemos desarrollado personalmente. Honramos a intenciones de estudiantes tanto que quieren a profesionales docentes y quienes no.

Te entrenamos igual y aquellos que quieren enseñar yoga pueden hacerlo… y los que no quieran enseñar profesionalmente y desea enfocar su práctica puede hacer!

Por supuesto tiempo lo es todo! No es fácil decidir cuando ir y cuando esté listo! Es cierto que la experiencia de yoga más uno tiene el más uno puede absorber… es igualmente verdad esperar a que el teórico momento ideal para hacer el entrenamiento de profesor no puede trabajar porque la ideal perfecta tiempo que esperas muchas veces nunca llega… y esta capacitación comenzará beneficiándole y transformación de inmediato!