Tadasana Alignment

Tadasana or Mountain Posture is an ideal asana to become aware of our body, of our posture. Thanks to its practice, we can be conscious and correct the imbalances or dysfunctions that we have in our body posture.

In Sanskrit, Tada means mountain, and Asana means posture. Therefore, Tadasana is the posture of the mountain, in which we learn to stand, firm and erect like a mountain.

Body awareness is one of the best weapons we have to avoid many of the illnesses we suffer. Our work, sports, or rest activities can develop some postures which are commonly harmful to our body.

We need to be aware of our posture to avoid harm to our bodies. So keep reading to say goodbye to those back, head, arm, or leg pains caused by bad poses.

The Alignment in Tadasana

Tadasana is the mother of yoga postures. It’s the ideal one that refers to the correct position that our body must maintain, without causing injury in the short or long term.

It’s just as necessary to maintain a correct posture when we are standing and when we are sitting & lying down. Mountain posture or Tadasana will help you to become aware of standing. It is easy to stand on Tadasana, but at the same time, it is difficult to perform a Mountain posture with its perfect adjustments of alienation-activation-relaxation.

These Are Some Techniques You Can Do:

  • Start by concentrating on your breathing. Continually deepen your breath.
  • Join your feet together until they touch your toes and heels. Lift your fingers, spread them apart, and press down. Press evenly with your heels. It distributes the weight of the body between the two feet when they’re even.
  • Squeeze your knees by pulling on the kneecaps. Stretch the back of your legs.
  • Get your stomach in and expand your chest. Don’t arch your back.
  • Place your arms to the sides of your body with your fingers pointing down.
  • Exhale and release the tension from the shoulders by lowering them.
  • Relax your facial muscles and throat.
  • Imagine a rope tied to the forehead, which gently pulls the body upwards.
  • Enjoy Tadasana. Relax your knees, shoulders, and jaw while breathing consciously.

Benefits of Tadasana

Tadasana or Mountain posture is present in all standing asanas, especially in those which our pelvis looks forward, like Ardha Uttanasana, Uttanasana, Uttitha Trikonasana, and many more.

Well-positioned legs, supporting body weight, elegantly upright spine, relaxed and aligned shoulders and head, minimizes mechanical stress on the joints and optimizes the muscular effort needed to support the body.

The most significant benefit is postural awareness, which will help you improve your posture effectively and efficiently. Therefore, many of your back ailments will diminish. Other benefits include:

  • Develops posture awareness.
  • Favors the alignment of the spine.
  • Improves general muscle tone.
  • Prevents sciatica.

In summary, Tadasana may seem simple, but it is the basis of standing postures, which helps us to balance and align the body perfectly, providing firmness, strength, calm, and stability.

Remember that taking care of your daily body posture. is taking care of your health outside the yoga mat.

Practice this asana today with Fred Busch: Alignment in Tadasana