November 30, 2019November 30, 2019Home, Recent Posts, Yoga Teacher Training Why Are Enzymes Important? The ultimate natural cure for many diseases is mostly related to the presence of enzymes in raw food. Enzymes can promote cellular […]
November 23, 2019Home, Recent Posts, Yoga Teacher Training Yoga for Insomnia and Anxiety In a world where pressure and caffeine predominate in our daily lives, yoga has proven to be very useful to calm anxiety […]
November 15, 2019Home, Recent Posts, Yoga Teacher Training Why is Yoga the Best Form of Exercise Yoga is an ancient science originated from India around 5,000 years ago. That is an extremely concise way to point out that […]
November 7, 2019Home, Recent Posts, Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga Therarpy Gratitude Is The Key! The obstacles for the well-being are fear, greed, anger, hatred, and all the negative emotions that can arise in us to prevent […]
October 18, 2018Home, Yoga Teacher Training Yoga Alliance Teacher Training Bogota Colombia Yoga Alliance Teacher Training Bogota Colombia with Fred Busch at Neutra Bienestar Join us for a Yoga or Health Coach Certification this […]
August 23, 2017Home, Yoga Teacher Training The NAMASTATE of Mind Yoga Challenge With BADASSVEGAN The NAMASTATE of Mind Yoga Challenge with BADASSVEGAN 🏔ENTER the NAMASTATE of Mind Yoga Challenge on Instagram for a chance to WIN […]
February 2, 2017February 2, 2017Home, Vegan Lifestyle Paulina Rubio and Fred Busch Teaching Yoga Paulina Rubio – Superstar Performer is also a dedicated practitioner of Yoga! Paulina Rubio and Fred Busch on Univision. Paulina has always […]