What is Pincha Mayurasana?

All inversion poses in Power Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, and other Hatha Yogas generate a natural barrier: the fear of falling. However, to learn how to do yoga inversions and arm balances from the beginning, it is necessary to understand which muscle groups are responsible for creating the ability to defy gravity.

How to do Pincha Mayurasana (forearm/handstand pose)?

As in all asanas, there are infinite variations, but this would be one of the easiest ways to do it if you still don’t dominate it:

1.        First of all, make sure you have enough strength in your arms to hold the pose and that you have stability in your shoulders. Spend time in your practice to perform postures that serve as arm preparation, for example, Chaturanga. You can also stand near a wall to avoid falling sharply.

2.        Place yourself on Downward Dog and then place your forearms on the floor, parallel to your shoulders. The key to performing this pose is to press elbows and forearms into the earth.

3.        Then walk toward your hands until your back is as vertical as possible, look to the front and contract your abdominal muscles.

4.        Lift one leg up and push a little with the other leg, use abdominal strength to elevate the legs, and keep them activated and together. Slowly straighten your back to a vertical position.

5.        Keep small backbend and, most importantly, keep breathing.

6.        Try to stay in the posture for a minute.

7.        Finally, put one leg down at a time and give yourself take a few seconds in Balasana to rest and return your breathing to its normal rhythm.

Some benefits of Pincha Mayurasana includes:

·            Strengthens the upper back.

·            Improves balance.

·            Soothes the mind.

·            Strengthens muscles of the serratus.

·            Improves concentration capacity.

·            Develops strength in arms and shoulders.

·            Helps relieve stress and depression symptoms.

Don’t get frustrated if you don’t get it at first. Many people take a long time to get it. You need a lot of flexibility, balance, and strength from your whole body. Be patient and perseverance, and you will get it.