Why is Compassion so Powerful for Mental Peace?

Why is Compassion so Powerful for Mental Peace?

Many people are interested in self improvement but chose to punish themselves for past mistakes in the mistaken belief that this is necessary for reform or improvement of future actions.  Self punishment however is never the best approach and instead compassion for ourselves is indicated always.  So why then is Compassion so Powerful for Mental Peace? 

When we try to force change we are making a self-judgement that what we are doing or thinking or saying is wrong and we are bad for acting or thinking that way.  

This leads to a series of mental self-punishments which serve to break down our overall strength levels and keep us weak.

The Power of Compassion

Our mind must be used for awareness not for self-criticism.  This is done with the application of compassion towards ourselves which is one of the most powerful transformational energy fields of all.

When we use our mind to shine awareness on our patterns we are able to understand their source which is often a program or suggestion or trauma.    These programs or traumas created a pain that we did not want to experience so we choose to suppress it. 

This suppression left a mark on our subconscious which then determines that repeating the coping and suppressing measures is the best way to continue to exist without pain.

Self Analysis is good and i very different from self-criticism which is destructive to our personality and physical health. These two things should not be confused.

Self Analysis is a useful and important way of determining if we are happy with the results of what we do so we can decide if we wish to continue.  

Self Analysis is an almost cold blooded type of  analysis that has not emotion and that has no associations of judgement or criticism.  

When we are not punishing ourselves for mistakes but instead simply resolve to not repeat them we create a space for fortifying ourselves to be stronger in the future.