Power yoga+Meditation

 Yoga helps us all achieve dramatic change in our lives. It can change our life for the better and here are some of the benefits that you should know:

💚 It can help us to lose weight and re-proportion our bodies, so we can look better and have
better body tone. It also helps us to lose weight in a sustainable way.

💚Improves our mental health. It helps us to make a decision and it makes us think much better.

💚Yoga and meditation brings peace of mind and an ability to be less reactive to the situations
in life.

💚It helps us be more aware and to use that awareness to improve ourselves and our
surroundings to make the world a better place.

💚Yoga is not a religion. In fact Yoga makes us all better and whatever our Religion or Spiritual
tradition is.

 Everybody who works a regular job and sits at a desk for long hours is at risk of being too sedentary. 😨

Being too sedentary is very bad for health because the body relies on exercise to allow it run optimally. So many of the body’s systems depend on movement and muscular contraction to be activated fully.

Are you an office worker? Here are 3 exercises and yoga postures for you:

💚 Arms over head: Lift your arms over your head and breath deep for three breaths. Then repeat.

💚 Chair pose: Stand from your chair and bend both your legs at the same time like you are pretending to be sitting in a chair but don’t go down all the way and start to feel the quadriceps activate. Then straighten the legs and repeat.

💚 Interlace your fingers behind your back: Feel the chest and heart opening as you interlace your fingers behind your back and do your best to bring your palms together.

Hope this helps you a lot! These will make a big difference to your overall well being. 👍

The asana is never the goal. The purpose of the asana is to bring us to a seated, comfortable, and stable position for meditation in which we may suspend the movement and fluctuations of the mind in order to experience our true nature 🕉 

All the paths of Yoga are of one aim, one goal essentially. The goal of all the paths of Yoga is to be able to identify a higher and more eternal reality as your true nature. 💚

Once we realize that we are not our bodies, we can begin to live with more peace and less fear which is the ultimate advancement on the yoga path. ☁️🌟

Have you ever heard the saying ‘your body is your temple’? The idea is that your body is a structure which your spirit resides.🌟

The Asana branch of Hatha Yoga focuses on keeping a fresh, healthy temple so your soul can evolve. However, Asana Yoga blends focused breathing and deep concentration with physical poses.☁️

It joins breathing, moving, and thinking.✌️💚