Yoga Meditation vs Buddhist Meditation

Yoga Meditation vs Buddhist Meditation

All meditation practices are valuable, but not are all equally valuable. Yoga Meditation is very different from Buddhist Vipasana or Advaita Self-Inquiry. In fact Yoga Meditation is different in every single way…from its intention to it’s execution through to it’s effect…Yoga promises a method and means to transform the subconscious mind to become our greatest and most powerful ally.

Yoga Meditation is very different from Buddhist Vipassana or Advaita Self-Inquiry. In fact Yoga Meditation is different in every single way…from its intention to it’s execution through to it’s effect…Yoga promises a method and means to transform the subconscious mind to become our greatest and most powerful ally.

The ultimate goal of Yoga not simply physical benefits like losing weight and getting stronger. Few Yoga teachers actually understand the philosophical underpinnings behind yoga, and fewer still have learned how those philosophical underpinnings drive the practices of Yoga as taught by Patanjali.

Power Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Bikram Yoga… whatever the style of Yoga that most students in the west are practicing, all of it has only one true intention, which is the preparation of the student for the real practice of Yoga, Meditation performed while sitting comfortably.

This is the focus of our Advanced Raja Yoga Teacher Training which will first be offered in Lima this May!

Gabriela Sologuren for more information or visit or email our team at