Yoga Teacher Training – Panama City, Panama

Yoga Teacher Training Panama

Yoga Teacher Training Panama

Announcing our next Yoga Teacher Training Panama – June 24th, 2017 – July 15th, 2017!  Hosted by the amazing Transcendence Yoga

Fred Busch and Laurie Albarron direct this Yoga Teacher Training Panama and around South America.  Join us in Panama City, Panama with Fred Busch, regarded as one of the USA’s top Hot Power Vinysasa Yoga Masters.  Fred and master Laurie personally instruct and inspire students and future teachers in a wide spectrum of deep insights to Yoga Philosophy and Enlightenment through Power Yoga.

Learn to teach Hot Yoga,  Meditation, Spiritual truth, Therapeutic Yoga and so much more.  Fred Busch’s Yoga Alliance Teacher Trainings deliver the ability to teach a safe Yoga class to students of all levels.  This training in Panama will be in Spanish.

Fred’s trainings are loved by all who appreciate being in the presence of a grand teacher who in word and deed represents the Yoga teachings.

Hi Fred -I just wanted to send you an email thanking you for changing my life. I apologize for not sending this sooner. Because of your wonderful yoga teacher training program I am aligned with my purpose here on Earth. I have been exposed this beautiful massive new world that I never knew existed. The more I learn, the more that I find there is to learn. Far from being overwhelmed, for the first time in my life I am truly empowered and I see clearly the direction I need to go in. I am turning my family’s health around by leading them through example to eat properly and increase their activity levels. My father (severe type 2 diabetic) now eats salads everyday for lunch, is losing weight, and stabilizing his blood sugar. Also a huge step, my mother no longer keeps white bread in the house and she eats raw almonds for a snack at work. Those are just a couple of instances where I have influenced others to love themselves more and to be more mindful about their health.”