Yoga teacher? You must know this!

You dit it! You graduated from Yoga Teacher Training. You learned everything you needed to know about body anatomy, yoga poses, energy, flexibility, and so on.. Now it is time to see if you can teach it.

It is not always easy when the relationship between you as a teacher and not as a student changes. That is why I want to give you some keys to connect with your clients that all yoga teachers should apply to enhance your students’ classroom experience.

How to share this knowledge:

  • Relating to different peoples: Make people feel like they can relate to you.

How do you do this? Personal Experience. Talk about your own struggles, talk about your path, your confusion. Your own story should be first, not last and of course, it is related to the intention and the way you are going to present it to create this ability to have new information.

The story needs to come from your own experience, needs to come from love.

  • Not talking down to them: Speak directly to the eyes, without judging anyone. Do not try to impose your truth, even if you are right. Remember, this is about communication, not knowledge, these are two different things.
  • Humility is your knowledge: We are here to tell you that there is a huge probability that your intentions will come true. And that is humility within your trust, within your knowledge.

With a humble approach, you can talk about your method and how it can generate positive results for other people.

Keep these tips in mind and, in the process, you will help your students and support their growth by communicating the essence of your teaching with purpose and love.